This week we take our show on the road conducting the interview from our beloved Nissan Xterra, Kyt. We bring up Lake of the Woods in Mahomet where Jarrod met with Champaign County Forest Preserve about a summer project. We also discuss best practices when hiking and you come upon a prescribed burn that is still burning, with no one around. Jessie and a friend found such a fire on the Little Cheif Illini Trail on the shores of Lake Shelbyville. This week’s episode is brought to you by our scrappy video creation skillz. Good thing we have hired a videographer intern for the summer!

Weekly interviews between Campfire Concepts president, Jarrod Scheunemann, and visual designer, Jessie Scheunemann, focus on management strategies and best practices observed during their travels in Illinois to visit local parks and recreation providers. Join them in a treehouse, on the road, or on-location to learn more about parks and recreation in Illinois.