Next Century Conservation Ethics for Local Parks & Recreation with Prof. Eric Freyfogle

Q. What is Prairie Rivers Network?
A. An Illinois environmental advocacy group that focuses on the welfare of our waterways.

Q. Have you found any best practices in park, preserve, and trail development neighbor relations?
– Talk in community terms.
– Get the people to think of themselves as community members, rather than individuals.
– Talk about how you, as a park district, will be a good community member.
– Talk about the value you can bring to the community as a whole.
– Do not focus on individual landowners worries, let them bring it up.
– Talk in the language of public health.

Q. How can park districts be better at conservation?
– Focus on the interactions of humans and nature.
– Then rather than looking at what we are doing wrong, ask…
– Why are we doing it?
1. Population
2. Modern Technology
3. Our Culture

Book Reference: A Good That Transcends: How US Culture Undermines Environmental Reform by Eric Freyfogle

Q. What is the difference between plagiarism and scholarship?
A. Plagiarism is when you steal from one person. Scholarship is when you steal from lots of people. ha!

This Interview’s Rec-lebrity Information

University of Illinois College of Law
(217) 333-8713

Rec-lebrity Interviews conducted by Campfire Concepts President, Jarrod Scheunemann, and Marketing Director, Jessie Scheunemann, focus on local park and recreation management strategies and best practices. Join this dynamic pair and other “rec-lebrities” in their treehouse and on location to find your next great idea.